How to Write a Thesis
In this book different chapters are written in different ways: for example, Chapters 1 and 2 are long and discursive, teasing out ambiguities and potential areas of confusion, in order to demystify the thesis writing process and defi ne the task. Chapter 8 is much more compact. It lists steps in a concentrated writing process and has checklists and tasks instead of defi nitions and explanations. It is also more directive in style. You might want to use look at it fi rst, as it summarizes everything.
The ‘Introduction: How to write 1,000 words an hour’ is not about ‘more is better’, but sets out the theory, practice and assumptions that underpin the approaches to writing proposed in this book. It makes the case for making your writing goals specifi c – in terms of numbers of words – and monitoring your outputs in different writing tasks.
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