Applied Equine Nutrition and Training
Arno Lindner
The Equine NUtrition and TRAining COnference – ENUTRACO – started with the name Equine NUtrition COnference – ENUCO – in 2005 in Hanover, Germany. Already in 2007 in Vienna, Austria, the content on training of horses increased markedly despite that the name of the conference continued to be ENUCO. Since, the meetings in Madrid, Spain (2009), Paris, France (2011), and Bonn, Germany (2013) have been more and more dedicated to the subject of training sport horses and were run under the name ENUTRACO. In 2013 the rehabilitation of horses became an important component of the conference. Now, ENUTRACO is hold in Bingen and Waldalgesheim,
Germany, and I am very tempted to change next time the name of the event again to reflect the importance of the theme rehabilitation in this event too!
جهت استعلام قيمت و سفارش چاپ اين محصول لطفا با انتشارات گنج حضور تماس حاصل فرماييد.