Clinical Biochemistry and Metabolic Medicine
Martin Crook
Over the years, the field of clinical biochemistry has changed radically. Confusingly, there is no consensus on the name for this field of medicine, which is known variously as clinical chemistry, chemical pathology or clinical biochemistry, to name but a few. Additionally, the field now overlaps with that of metabolic medicine, a clinical specialty involved with the management and treatment of patients with disorders of metabolism. Clinical biochemistry laboratories have become further automated, molecular biology technologies have entered the diagnostic arena, and chemical pathologists have become more clinically orientated towards running out-patient clinics for a variety of biochemical disturbances. This book aims to address these new changes. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a branch of medicine that does not at some time require clinical biochemistry tests, which may not be too surprising, given the fact that every body cell is composed of chemicals!
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