Finite Group Theory
I. Martin Isaacs
This book is a somewhat expanded version of a graduate course in finite group theory that I often teach at the University of Wisconsin. I offer this course in order to share what I consider to be a beautiful subject with as many people as possible, and also to provide the solid background in pure group theory that my doctoral students need to carry out their thesis work in representation theory. The focus of group theory research has changed profoundly in recent decades. Starting near the beginning of the 20th century with the work of W. Burnside, the major problem was to find and classify the finite simple groups, and indeed, many of the most significant resülts in pure group theory and in representation theory were directly, or at least peripherally, related to this goal. The simple-group classification now appears to be complete, and current research has shifted to other aspects of finite group theory including permutation groups, p-groups and especially, representation theory.
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