Graduate Algebra: Noncommutative View
Louis Halle Rowen
This book is a companion volume to Graduate Algebra: Commutative View. The main and most important feature of the book is that it presents a unified approach to many important topics, such as group theory, ring theory, Lie algebras, and gives conceptual proofs of many basic results of noncommutative algebra. There are also a number of major results in noncommutative algebra that are usually found only in technical works, such as Zelmanov’s proof of the restricted Burnside problem in group theory, word problems in groups, Tits’s alternative in algebraic groups, PI algebras, and many of the roles that Coxeter diagrams play in algebra. The first half of the book can serve as a one-semester course on noncommutative algebra, whereas the remaining part of the book describes some of the major directions of research in the past 100 years. The main text is extended through several appendices, which permits the inclusion of more advanced material, and numerous exercises. The only prerequisite for using the book is an undergraduate course in algebra; whenever necessary, results are quoted from Graduate Algebra: Commutative View.
جهت استعلام قيمت و سفارش چاپ اين محصول لطفا با انتشارات گنج حضور تماس حاصل فرماييد.