Algebraic Number Theory
Jurgen Neukirch
Translated from the German by Norbert Schappacher
Number Theory, among the mathematical disciplines, occupies an idealized position, similar to the one that mathematics holds among the sciences. Under no obligation to serve needs that do not originate within itself, it is essentially autonomous in setting its goals, and thus manages to protect its undisturbed harmony. The possibility of formulating its basic problems simply, the peculiar clarity of its statements, the arcane touch in its laws, be they discovered or undiscovered, merely divined; last but not least, the charm of its particularly satisfactory ways of reasoning all these features have at all times attracted to number theory a community of dedicated followers.
جهت استعلام قيمت و سفارش چاپ اين محصول لطفا با انتشارات گنج حضور تماس حاصل فرماييد.