Atomic & Molecular Symmetry Groups and Chemistry
S. C. Rakshit, Ph.D.
The book scripted by me namely, Molecular Symmetry Groups and Chemistry had a welcome response from the readers. This emboldened me to have its present incarnation, Atomic & Molecular Symmetry Groups and Chemistry. This is a trimly fattened edition of the old one strengthened by the incorporation of the dierent aspects of atomic symmetry. Atomic Symmetry groups, being continuous groups, are just a fallout of the Lie Groups and Lie Algebras. The description of Lie Groups, for reasons of complexities, has been confined to the barest minimum so as not to produce much of indentations in the smooth description of atomic symmetry. Atoms are structurally simpler than molecules, but atomic symmetry is more complex than molecular symmetry. In quantum mechanics, we study atoms first and then the molecules. In symmetry studies, we just do the reverse. Apart from the theories, the descriptions of both the symmetry groups are attended with adequate applications.
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