Brock Biology of Microorganisms
Michael Madigan, Jennifer Aiyer , Daniel Buckley , W. Sattley , David Stah
setsthe standard for accuracy, impeccable scholarship, a visually stunning art program,and the use of cutting-edge research to illustrate basic concepts. The textguides students through the six major themes of microbiology ― Evolution, CellStructure and Function, Metabolic Pathways, Information Flow and Genetics,Microbial Systems, and the Impact of Microorganisms ― as outlined by theAmerican Society for Microbiology Conference on Undergraduate Education(ASMCUE). This robust and modern approach takes students through the genomicsrevolution and “omics” maze that has transformed microbiology and sharespowerful tools that microbiologists use to probe deeper and further into themicrobial world than ever before.
جهت استعلام قيمت و سفارش چاپ اين محصول لطفا با انتشارات گنج حضور تماس حاصل فرماييد.