Contemporary Human Resource Management
Adrian Wilkinson, Tom Redman and Tony Dundon
This book is about Human Resource Management (HRM) and is concerned with the way in which organisations manage their people. In this introductory chapter we discuss our own approach to the study of HRM and the rationale underpinning the ordering and presentation of material in the book. Our aim is to chart the broad ter-rain of a rapidly developing field of study in order to prepare the reader for the more finely grained treatment of specific HRM topics to be found in the individual chap-ters. In particular, we examine the rise of HRM, the effects of the changing context of work on HRM, the strategic nature of HRM practice, its impact on organisational performance and the changing role of the HR function. The chapter concludes with a consideration of our views on the audience at which the book is targeted and some thoughts on how it may best be used.
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