First Certificate Gold Coursebook
Richard Acklam
* Builds students’ confidence by explaining what they have to do, showing them how to do it and providing plenty of practice * Makes exam preparation fun — with thought-provoking texts and motivating practice activities * New Reading and Listening texts to bring the course right up to date * Extended Writing reference section with model answers for all tasks * New Visuals section providing extra practice for Paper 5FREE TEST BOOKLET* Each unit tests covers the language areas in the corresponding unit of the First Certificate Gold Coursebook and progress tests test the language from the previous five units * Uses the exam format of paper 3 of the First Certificate in English exam * Also includes reading and writing tasks from papers 1 and 2 of the exam * Includes an eight page pull-out answer key
جهت استعلام قيمت و سفارش چاپ اين محصول لطفا با انتشارات گنج حضور تماس حاصل فرماييد.