Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Technique: A Lacanian Approach for Practitioners
Bruce Fink
It always seemed to me that analysis was not so much a matter of technique but of the kind of work the analyst inspires the analysand to do in’ the course of analysis. My presumption was that different analysts could potentially use rather different techniques to encourage more or less the same kind of work. But the more I have spoken with different psychoanalytic groups around the United States, the more I have become convinced that the kind of technique being taught in societies and institutes today does not m ere\y fail to foster what I understand to be analytic work, it precludes it. Contemporary approaches to psychoanalytic treatment seem to me to have lost sight of many of the fundamental insights achieved by Freud, Lacan, and other analytic pioneers and to have adopted views stemming from psychology, particularly developmental psychology, that contradict basic tenets of psychoanalysis-tenets as fundamental as the unconscious, repression, repetition compulsion, and so on.
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