Introduction to Calculus and Analysis Volume
Richard Courant, Fritz John
Richard Courant’s Differential and Integral Calculus, Vols. I and II, has been tremendously successful in introducing several generations of mathematicians to higher mathematics. Throughout, those volumes presented the important lesson that meaningful mathematics is created from a union of intuitive imagination and deductive reasoning. In preparing this revision the authors have endeavored to maintain the healthy balance between these two modes of thinking which characterized the original work. Although Richard Courant did not live to see the publication of this revision of Volume II, all major changes had been agreed upon and drafted by the authors before Dr.Courant’s death in January 1972. From the outset, the authors realized that Volume II, which deals with functions of several variables, would have to be revised more drastically than Volume I. In particular, it seemed desirable to treat the fundamental theorems on integration in higher dimensions with the same degree of rigor and generality applied to integration in one dimension. In addition, there were a number of new concepts andtopics of basic importance, which, in the opinion of the authors, belong to an introduction to analysis.
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