Relativity Gravitation and Cosmology
Ta-Pei Cheng
It seems a reasonable expectation that every student receiving a university degree in physics will have had a course in one of the most important devel-opments in modern physics: Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Also, given the exciting discoveries in astrophysics and cosmology of recent years, it is highly desirable to have an introductory course whereby such subjects can be presented in their proper framework. Again, this is general relativity (GR). Nevertheless, a GR course has not been commonly available to undergrad-uates or even, for that matter, to graduate students who do not specialize in GR or field theory. One of the reasons, in my view, is the insufficient number of suitable textbooks that introduce the subject with an emphasis on physical examples and simple applications without the full tensor appara-tus from the very beginning. There are many excellent graduate GR books; there are equally many excellent “popular” books that describe Einstein’s theory of gravitation and cosmology at the qualitative level; and there are not enough books in between. I am hopeful that this book will be a useful addition at this intermediate level. The goal is to provide a textbook that even an instructor who is not a relativist can teach from. It is also intended that other experienced physics readers who have not had a chance to learn GR can use the book to study the subject on their own. As explained below, this book has features that will make such an independent study particularly feasible.
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