The Anabasis of Cyrus
Xenophon Wayne Ambler
The Anabasis of Cyrus tells a memorable tale. It recounts how a small band of Greek mercenaries marched from the coast of Asia Minor (in 401 B.C.), through the deserts of Arabia, and up to the gates of Babylon to meet in battle the Great King of Persia, then the most powerful man on earth, with the intent of overthrowing him; how this small army of 10,0001 won an impressive victory that put it, however, in mortal danger, after its Persian general and paymaster Cyrus the Younger, brother of the king and rival to the throne, was killed in battle; and how the bulk of this army managed to find its way back to the Black Sea after overcoming countless obstacles and dangers. The Anabasis is also the tale of one Xenophon, an Athenian nobody, thirty years of age at most, who had accompanied this army in a private capacity, and who, in its moment of greatest need, after most of the Greek generals had been treacherously murdered, rose to fill the void and to provide the decisive leadership that saved the Greeks and secured his fame. The Anabasis has the makings of a great Hollywood movie!
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