برای فرستادن دیدگاه، باید وارد شده باشید.
The Go Programming Language
Go was conceive d in Septemb er 2007 by Rob ert Gries emer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thomps on, all at Google, and was announced in Nov emb er 2009. The goals of the langu age and its accompany ing tools were to be expressive, efficient in bot h comp ilation and exe cut ion, and effec tive in writing reliable and robust programs. Go bears a sur face simi lar ity to C and, like C, is a tool for prof essional programmers, achie ving maximum effe ct wit h minimum means. But it is much more than an updated version of C. It bor rows and adapts good ide as from many other langu ages, whi le avoiding features that have led to complexity and unreliable code. Its facilities for con cur rency are new and efficient, and its approach to dat a abstrac tion and obj e ct-oriente d prog ramming is unu sually flexible. It has aut omat ic memory management or garb age col lec tion.
جهت استعلام قیمت و سفارش چاپ این محصول لطفا با انتشارات گنج حضور تماس حاصل فرمایید
نقد و بررسیها
هنوز بررسیای ثبت نشده است.