Traffic Flow Dynamics
Martin Treiber (Author, Translator), Arne Kesting (Author), Christian Thiemann (Translator)
In order to keep people moving in times of rising traffic and limited resources, science is challenged to find intelligent solutions. Over the past few years, con- tributions from engineers, physicists, mathematicians, and behavioral psycholo- gists have lead to a better understanding of driver behavior and vehicular traffic flow. This interdisciplinary field will surely produce further advances in the future. The focus is on new applications ranging from novel driver-assistance systems, to intelligent approaches to optimizing traffic flow, to the precise detection of traffic jams and the short-term forecasting of traffic for dynamic navigation aids.
This textbook offers a comprehensive and didactic account of the different aspects of vehicular traffic flow dynamics and how to describe and simulate them with mathematical models. We hope to make this fascinating field accessible to a broader readership; to date, it has only been documented in specialized scientific papers and monographs.
جهت استعلام قيمت و سفارش چاپ اين محصول لطفا با انتشارات گنج حضور تماس حاصل فرماييد